Wednesday, March 3, 2010


168***888*** SLH*** JHS*** 168***888***888*** 168***JHS***SLH***

Written by Leonardo Delizo, PhD, MSBA


1. Emotion. The first rule in a successful marriage is to be sure that you are grown up emotionally. Marriage is for the mature, not the infantile. The fusion of two different personalities requires emotional balance and control on the part of each.
2. Cornerstone. Every kind of building requires a cornerstone. This is no less true of building a marriage. And the required and important cornerstone of any marriage is expressed in the following words: “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it” (Ps. 127:1).
3. Argument. Talk out all your problems together and arrive at reasonable solutions in unity. A good discussion, even a controlled argument, is OK. But be sure to keep it devoid of emotion. Decide everything not on who is right, but on what is right.
4. Best. A happy marriage will always result when each partner tries to bring out the best in the other. Two people loving each other with high esteem for the other’s personality are bound to get along beautifully.
5. Polite. Plain courtesy is an asset in marriage. Be polite and courteous to each other. Never let anger make you discourteous. The human personality responds to esteem. Respect each other.
6. Mutual. It is important to remember that marriage is a relationship based on mutual responsibility. Both persons must share equally in the partnership. Certainly, neither should dominate the other.
7. Adjustment. A good marriage depends upon adjustment. This adjustment must be achieved on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. And the adjusting must be done by each party.
8. Team. Live, play, and work as a team in which each partner makes an equal contribution to the total effort of the marriage. Do things together often, and develop an interest in what the other is doing. Make all decisions on a team basis.
9. Night. Pray together before going to sleep every night. Pray together about all decisions and about all problems. The couple who prays together will grow together, stick together, and win victories together.
10. Exciting. Make it an exciting experience to do for the other every kindly, loving thing you can think of. If each one tries to make the other happy, both will be happy and the marriage will be happy and the marriage will be a successful one.

Source: Norman Vincent Peale

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